Gateway Chapter's Classic Tournament

Registration Status:

Event Time:
10:30 am

Charity Event

2015 St. Louis District Chapter CMAA presents...


Classic Tournament and Event 

Hosted by

Bogey Hills Country Club

Monday, September 28, 2015

Dear Chapter members:

I am writing to thank you for your early commitment to support our local CMAA Chapter at our annual Classic Golf Tournament.  Your ongoing support of our Chapter and its endeavors are key to our success.

We are pleased to announce that this year’s tournament will be held at Bogey Hills Country Club on Monday, September 28, 2015.   Planning has been underway for several months to create a memorable event for you at this wonderful venue!

Many of you are aware that the proceeds of The Classic Golf Tournament enable a variety of significant educational endeavors for our Chapter. They include continuing education and student scholarships, as well as allowing us to contribute in a meaningful way to local charities in the St. Louis Community.

We want to have as many club managers participating this year as possible.  Please plan to participate in the tournament (all level of players are welcome), come out for lunch and meet our sponsors, and as always the evening event is part of the trademark success of the Classic.  If you have been invited to play with a sponsor, please indicate when completing your form.

Also, if you wish to support the Chapter with a Board sponsorship, please complete the form and return along with your check at your earliest convenience.

Looking forward to seeing you in September!

See you in September!

Angel Walters Likens                                   Andy Cullinane, CCM               

Classic Tournament Chairman                    President